BAAC Student Awards
The Builders Association of Adams County sponsors a Student Award Program to honor graduating seniors who deserve to be recognized for displaying outstanding vocational skills. Vocational skills may be exhibited in design, mechanical drawing, drafting, carpentry, woodworking, or other construction related abilities. One student from each of the seven Adams County schools will be honored. SELECTION OF THE RECIPIENT IS BASED ON RECOMMENDATION OF THE TEACHER OF A STUDENT WHO MEETS THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA:
Criteria does not imply the necessity of completion of any particular project. Each student honored receives a $100 Check & Certificate, a plaque, and dinner for four (Student, parents, and nominating teacher) at our Student Award Dinner in May.
BAAC Student Design Program
Each year, as part of the Adams County Home Show, high school students are encouraged to design their dream home. These designs are then judged at the show and scholarship prizes are awarded.
Outstanding Vocational Students and Student Architectural Design Winners are honored at the BAAC student award banquet.
Civil Engineering
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Petroleum and Gas
Fusce pretium sem ism the eget mattis. Nam hendrerit elit vel urna fermentum congue